My Besties
CULLEN October 2008 Inspired of Twilight Film It was farewell party Acceleration 7 Elan, Karra, Rinda and me. That's Moly, me and Karra It was taken on 1st February It was Arini and me Me, Rinda and Karra Here we go.. I am the member of girl gang called CULLEN, it was born in October 2008 when we were in dormitory of our Senior High School. We met and lived in same room it was justabout 10m x6m room with 4 double-bed. I was the bed mate of Eta and in front of me were Rinda and Ziku. In that room also there were Karra, Moly, Arini, Elan, and Indah. Eta and Indah are not the member of our gang hehe.. they're just our roommate. We used to chat,share,laugh each other more over we cry together so the feeling we have are almost same. Since we met, we knew that we'd be together and finally, this year it's going to be 4 years. WOW! We keep the friendship up then still keep in touch. Hope that this friendship will last forever. Amin. xoxo Cullen~