New dream : become a florist
I love flower so much, esp. Lily and Carnation. Yet, roses are beautiful too. I'm a bit freak, you know. Every time I browse something on google, I save the images I've found. I have so many folders of those images, just say ; Models, Wedding Stuffs, Football, etc. The folder names wedding and stuffs contains many pics of flowers, dresses and wedding decoration. I really love the pics of beautiful flowers. They just look so bright, colourful, and of course beautiful. Love it so much. Nah, because of my big interest in florist thing, therefore I have got an idea ; What about running a flower shop as a new business?. Sounds really interesting. Everything that you do will be doing good, if it comes from your own passion. I do believe it. So, that's why I would love to run a flower shop someday, maybe after graduate from university. I have big passion to make money by my self, because I owe too much to my parents. I want to buy my dad a big house, new car, etc. My family ...